
Applied Agricultural Research

Arab Authority for Agricultural Investment and Development (AAAID) has concerned with the Applied Agricultural Research In terms of serving it’s investment projects, through enhancing and disseminating  new technology’s in the exacting projects as will as adopting Applied Agricultural Research.

Introduction of new crops and improved and hybrid varieties of vegetables during the main production season (tomatoes, carrots, cucumbers, cabbages and garlic), as the productivity of many cultivated crops increased by nearly doubling

Introduction of off-season crops in open fields, along with the production of other crops, such as onion, cantaloupe, cowpea, hybrid zucchini and taro, during the summer season, leading to a three-fold increase in productivity

Cultivation of new forage crops after carrying out a number of research experiments to settle cultivation of forage varieties (laredo, panicum, alfalfa) in lands of high salinity and increase agricultural areas

Introduction of new varieties of non-traditional vegetables in Sudan, Mauritania and the Comoros, which have proven successful and adapted to local environments and have achieved productions in commercial quantities in addition to their acceptance among consumer

Transfer and domiciliation of rice cultivation with an integrated technical package

Contributions to the dissemination of biogas project, in cooperation with ACSAD

Transformation of palm waste to animal feed, in cooperation with the UAE Ministry of Climate Change and Environment (formerly Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries) and United Arab Emirates University

Development of date palms, in cooperation with the Al Hamraniya Agricultural Research Station of the UAE Ministry of Climate Change and Environment

Pilot commercial production of a Biocide against red palm weevil, in cooperation with the Arab Organization for Agricultural Development (AOAD)

Introduction of high yield crops, such as strawberries, broccoli and many other agricultural crops

Off-season production of crops in the open field in summer such as onion, cantaloupe, sweet pepper and cowpea in open fields, as well as the production of tomato and cucumber using cooling greenhouses

Localization of soybean crops (Sudan 1 and Sudan 2 varieties) in high saline lands in the Republic of Sudan.

Introduction of the crop (Quinoa) for cultivation for the first time in Sudan on high salinity land. The preliminary results showed good indicators of plant tolerance to salinity, when the appropriate conditions were provided, which contributes to domiciliation the crop in Sudan

“Localization the cultivation of Laredo and Panicum crops as alternative fodders with high nutritional value for the first time in high saline lands in the Republic of Sudan”.

AAAID, in cooperation with the Sudanese Agricultural Research Corporation, conducted an applied research program to develop the production of varieties of sorghum and millet to produce grain crops with a high percentage of microelements, exclusively iron and zinc.

Propagation and Localization of improved maize varieties in high saline lands in the Republic of Sudan.