
The AAAID contributes to 52 agricultural companies, and its companies are spread in 12 Arab countries

The AAAID contributes to the capital of 52 company and project, 37 of which are existing companies, and 15 projects are under establishment and implementation. Through these projects, distributed across 12 of its member states, the AAAID aims to optimize investment returns for shareholders, diversify its sources of income and support agricultural development and contributes to achieving sustainable development goals in Arab countries. It focuses on the production of crops and basic strategy agricultural goods with a view to contribute to enhancing food security in the Arab world. Furthermore, the AAAID has established development programs to support small farmers, and female farmers, producers and products and develop the local rural and peasant and communities in which it operates. In its efforts to improve performance and productivity, AAAID is committed to implementing innovative ideas, AAAID provides professional consultancy services and preparation feasibility studies for such projects and evaluate it, which further serve to strengthen agricultural investment opportunities in the Arab world. Its affiliated companies provide more than 127,000 employment opportunities. Established in 1976, the AAAID is composed of 21 Arab member states which contribute to its capital. As a professional institution, the AAAID exercises the highest levels of applying the principles of Institutional governance and transparency, as well as adopting the best management practices.